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Yakima, Washington 206 274-0791

Need Junk Car Removal In Yakima ASAP?

Sell Your Damaged Car To Cash For Cars In Yakima, Washington Today

You’ve seen the ads before. Who hasn’t. But you never thought you’d see the day when you’d need such a service.

Yet here you are! Your car has been sitting in your grandma’s garage for an outrageous number of years now. Been there, done that. Grandma is nice enough, but even you are starting to cringe at how long your vehicle has outstayed its welcome.

Life is full of constant changes. It’s inevitable. Right now, you might be looking out the window at your new car and wondering why you’re even holding on to your old broken down one. If you’re really being honest with yourself, you’re probably never actually going to get around to fixing it and you could use that cash for other more important things, like your kids’ school supplies. Hello, back-to-school season!

The time has come to say goodbye to that old friend, and give poor grandma her space back. You know it. We know it. Your mom knows it. Grandma will never admit it, but she knows it too.

Why Use A Service Like Cash For Cars In Yakima?

There are several options for you, sure, but none could be so simple.

Conveniently located in your city, Cash for Cars in Yakima provides a service like none other. You won’t have to negotiate trades with dealers, post ads on websites, deal with strangers you distrust or drive around to different lots. We will send one of our certified junk car buyers in Yakima right to your home. We take care of the towing. Best of all, we take all kinds of vehicles, no matter their condition. We even take cars that won’t pass the smog test.

Doesn’t that sound like an ideal solution for everyone involved? Ahem… grandma.

How Do You Get Cash For Junk Cars In Yakima?

Here are the quick and easy steps to get the ball rolling on your junk car removal today:

  • 1. Give us a call. No obligations. Just call and tell us about your vehicle in detail so we can formulate an offer just for you.
  • 2. We will carefully consider the conditions of your vehicle, and give you your unique quote. You decide if it’s right for you.
  • 3. Our associate is then dispatched to meet you at your home or the location of your choosing. Your car is physically appraised, and you receive cash on hand for it. All towing services are provided free of charge. We even help you with the handling of all the paperwork!

Sounding good so far? We think so!

What Does Cash For Cars in Yakima Look For?

We aren’t picky! Really. We will take that clunker off your hands no matter what its condition. The cars we buy are often old junk, or severely broken down and damaged beyond repair. Heck, we’ll even take vehicles that won’t start. Relief is just a phone call away!

With that being said, we’ll need to know some information about your vehicle that will affect the price we’re able to offer you. Here are some things we consider when pricing your car that we’ll probably need to ask you about first:

  • ● The mileage, age, make, and model. These are all important factors in determining your individual quote.
  • ● The overall condition of your vehicle. Does it still run? Remember, we’ll take it off your hands in either case, running or not, but this may affect what we are able to offer you.
  • ● Its age. You may find your classic cars are worth a lot, however, in general, an older car will certainly be worth less than a newer one.

Fair enough?

Don’t Wait, Sell Your Junk Car Today

Still mulling it over? We get it. Change is hard. Life is busy. Priorities, priorities… old junky cars don’t usually make the top of that list. But just think of how much you can do with those extra bucks, and what grandma can do with that extra space. Not to mention the extra time you’ll have not thinking about it. Free up garage space and mental space by not having to think about it any longer!

When you call us today you can be sure you’ll be greeted with a friendly and professional staff that is more than eager to help you resolve the problem as efficiently as possible. You will immediately be assisted in every step of the process, and you won’t even have to leave the comfort of your home. How’s that for peace of mind?

Out with the old, in with the cash!

So, when you’re ready to sell your damaged car and move on with your life, just give us a call. We’d be happy to help you.